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I will update My blog as regularly as My diary permits. Here you will find My photos, My stories, Posts by My subs, Posts by Mistresses, Details of quality BDSM & Fetish websites, and anything else of interest I want to share with you.
Email Me to tell Me about quality websites that you know, or about your website if you are a site owner.
Get your fetish story or fantasy on My blog, or submit to Me. Show Me your best sub position picture for posting here.
Email to: Blog@Mistress-Eleanor.com |
Financial Domination & Blackmail
Financial Domination with a Money Mistress is a fetish full of sexual charge. Those who see it simply as a cold money transaction misunderstand the essential point that ‘exploitation’ is just as powerful a fetish as say a foot or leather fetish. It is simply that the object of the fetish is focussed on giving; on exploitation; on sacrifice. A money slave, or pay pig, will experience intense excitement and/or arousal in the act of giving money to a Domme. This comes from the feeling of powerlessness, of being exploited, of being so completely captivated by a Domme that the slave will give and give and give to experience that feeling again and again.
The Tribute itself can be in the form of a present, money paid direct into a bank account or to the open hand. Even a regular Direct debit when a Money slave relationship is well established. What is sometimes underestimated is how powerful the bond between a Money Mistress and a pay slave can be. It is a very personal and intense form of domination, and is typically suited to those submissives seeking a long-term relationship with a dom. They work and earn for her; they labour to make Mistress’ life sweet; to afford her luxuries they will deny themselves. These are the pleasures a pay pig can look forward to.
Of course, reciprocation is never direct. The Mistress will not ‘thank’ the slave or be grateful. On the contrary she will take it for granted. But the slave might be allowed a wank or some small titbit of satisfaction, some crumb from the Divine Mistress. If he is married he might be told he can have sex with his wife. Whatever the money slave gets from his Mistress, he will be grateful for it.
So is money slavery purely for those slaves with plenty of cash to splash? NO. What a Money Mistress wants is to know a slave is sacrificing for her. That is, that he is denying himself something, or denying his family, wife and/or children something to give his money to her. The satisfaction for both Financial Mistress and money slave comes in knowing that the slave is scrimping and sacrificing as part of his devotion. Of course sacrifice comes at a different level to different slaves, but it is essential to the intense rush of giving that the amount means something to the slave.
Knowing the Mistress is living a life of absolute luxury while the slave struggles, and suffers in many ways for Her is a large part of Financial Domination. Time and time again he must surrender and give up, so She can live well. Therefore, there is a large contrast between how Financial Mistress and money slave live within this fetish. Some Mistresses will enjoy the slow ruination of the slave, while others drain with a more long-term aim in mind, knowing that a completely ruined slave is useless.
To summarise, Financial Domination is a form of power exchange where the slave gives up his power and money to a beautiful, demanding Goddess. Money is the ultimate power in society today. Money is used to measure individuals. The less you have, the more shame you endure, the greater the sense of powerlessness. The slave gives up his possessions to achieve that sense of humility and devotion to one who, in his own way, he loves and loves absolutely.
More information on My personal approach to Financial Domination & Blackmail can be read here.
Posted by Mistress Eleanor
10.06.2013 12:00 |
Introducing Miss Legs

Posted by Mistress Eleanor
09.06.2013 10:15 |
Miss Legs has spent some time as My sub, and is also under My wing in Mistress training. She is still in the process of deciding how she wants to proceed with the lifestyle, and as such is not accepting any communications from anyone she does not know, or has not previously met.
She is sometimes present to undertake her training inbetween My other sessions.
If she speaks to you outside of the session, you may respond.
She sometimes will observe a session as part of Mistress training.
I will send My request to My sub for this prior to the session, if I feel it is appropriate to her training. She will NOT observe during a session with a sub who has not served Me before. She will not take part in any sessions, she will be there for observation only. Her presence should not be acknowledged, and she will not interrupt the session in any way. Any messages from subs requesting her involvement in any session will be ignored.
She will accept gifts, and should she not be present on the day of your training session, I will have her collect her gift as soon as she can. Cash gifts should be in a sealed envelope with "Miss Legs" written neatly on the front, and your first name/sub name/alias written on the back across the seal.
She also likes Rose wine (White Zinfandel), quality chocolate, and perfume. Her favourite is Nina Ricci, L'Air du Temps.
She may write blog updates as part of her training. She will not disclose any other information, unless instructed to do so by Me. |
Yahoo Group
I have created a group with Yahoo.
My group is fully moderated. Quality messages, photos and links will be allowed. Links, messages with links, and photos with website stamps, will only be allowed if you have linked back to My group, My website, or My Twitter.
Don’t join and request “Web Only” in the email delivery options.
The regularity of the updates will depend on the popularity of My group.
Posted by Mistress Eleanor
09.06.2013 01:40 |
"La Marquissima" Plug Pump
Erotic Shoes

Posted by Mistress Eleanor
05.06.2013 10:10 |
Domina et Gaude
In collaboration with ainsley-T shoes
Square pointed décolletée with internal black soft leather plateau 45mm.
Grinded and shiny black lacquered ABS Plug heel 140mm.
Black soft leather strap and whip.
Nikel free protected lacquered accessories.
Lacquered cowhide sole.
Aalso available in red soft leather, violet soft leather, black suede and iron mirror calf (whip only black).
Size 37.
€595 - €637
I have to own these! And I will!! Very Soon!!!
Safe Words
One of the thrills of SM is that it can stretch your limitations. If you enjoy this sort of play, you can naturally find yourself trying more and more new things, accepting greater and greater levels of sensation, doing and feeling more than you've ever done or felt before.
But the process is slow and gradual, and people are not telepathic. It may be that you are the bottom in a whipping scene, and your top is whipping you, and suddenly it doesn't feel good anymore!! and you want them to STOP!!! That is what a safeword is: a word that means "This isn't working! This scene is going wrong somehow! Please stop!"
A safeword needs to be taken seriously. Sometimes you may be playing with a top you don't know that well, and if they do something to you don't want, it's important that you have a way to let them know, IMMEDIATELY. Especially if you're tied up or otherwise made helpless.
Everyone has their own favourite safeword. I personally use "Yellow!" to mean "Something's getting too intense; I need you to lighten up, but I don't want to stop the scene," and I use "Red!" to mean "I'm in trouble and I want everything to stop NOW, no more games, scene over, let me outta here!" Some people just have one flavour of safeword, and use "aardvark" or some other weird word they'd never say in the context of a scene. At many parties, the universal safeword is "Safeword!" It's up to you. All it is is a safety valve for when things get out of control. If your top doesn't respect your safeword, it's a safe bet that they won't respect other limits of yours, and you will need to decide whether you want to play with someone who doesn't acknowledge your boundaries.
Using a safeword can be hard to do sometimes. It's important to realize that no one is perfect, and if you as top do something that squicks your bottom (i.e. pushes beyond your bottom's limits--"squick" is a recent bit of s.s.b-b jargon), it doesn't mean you're a bad lover or a bad person. It only means that you ran into a limit you didn't know was there, or you were tired or disconnected and not in tune with your bottom. It happens to everyone from time to time. If you as top feel burned out and want to stop the scene suddenly, or you get a powerful reaction you weren't expecting and aren't sure how to continue, you can use a safeword too; safewords aren't just for bottoms! If you as bottom feel like your top is pushing you, and you don't want to play anymore, it's not fun, that's when you want to use a safeword--your top will be glad you used it to tell them where you were at.
A safeword is just a communication tool, nothing more, nothing less. If you're playing intensely, it may feel hard to stop the scene, to come back from the edge via a safeword... but if you need to, that's what they're for. Some tops deliberately push their bottoms until their bottoms call safeword; this way, the bottom gets the experience of using it. A safeword that's never used can seem unusble, which isn't a good property for a safeword.
Sometimes a top will want to gag you, whether because you're being too noisy or they want to increase your helplessness or you've been being impertinent or whatever. You may still want a safeword to let the top know when a rope is too tight or the nipple clamps are pinching or whatever. Some people put a handkerchief in the bottom's hand; if they let go and the handkerchief falls, they know there's something up. I personally use the old SOS signal: three loud yells spaced evenly; "Unh! Unh! Unh!" No gag I've ever seen can stop _all_ noise, and that signal works even if my hands are in mittens or a strait-jacket and unable to hold anything at all.
Before playing with someone, it's a good idea to negotiate, not only what safeword you want to use, but how you'll handle it if you need to use the safeword. When you're just getting into SM, it's almost inevitable that some scenes will end prematurely or abruptly. If you acknowledge this possibility in advance, and talk about what kinds of comforting or remedy you might like, it'll make recovering from a mishap a lot easier and more pleasant. And because a scene goes wrong is no reason to think that you or your partner is fundamentally bad or untrustworthy--mistakes will happen. (If your partner doesn't want to hear your concerns about the mishap, though, or if they belittle or deride your concerns, you may well be unable to avoid future mishaps. If your relationship doesn't learn from painful experience, it may not be ready to handle doing SM. Of course, this kind of processing is a vital part of _every_ healthy relationship, SM or not.)
Not every SM player uses safewords. Some people into SM don't find them useful for the style of play they prefer; more straightforward communication suffices for them. Some partners find their need for a safeword gradually diminishes as they come to know each other better. Some people do SM in which the bottom doesn't _want_ to have a verbal escape route, for the duration of the scene. (This "no-safeword" play is also sometimes called "edge play.") One thing that you will learn about the BDSMLMNOP scene is that styles vary wildly, and peoples' experiences are astonishingly diverse. But for many people beginning their explorations (and many who've explored enormously), safewords have proved very helpful
Posted by Mistress Eleanor
02.06.2013 18:45 |
Worship My Leather Boots

Posted by Mistress Eleanor
29.05.2013 19:30
"Now, you are going to worship My boots. Down on your knees, head down. Kneel in silence while I put on My leather boots." I pull on the first of My leather knee high boots, pull up the zip, and move My foot around in a circular motion, so that My foot sits snuggly and comfortably inside.
"Are you ready to worship My boots, slave?" I point the toe, and stand on one booted foot as I pull on My other boot. I pull up the zip, wiggle My foot and stand, booted feet apart in front of My pathetic kneeling sub.
"Don't take your eyes from My boots. you are hypnotised by My heels. Watch the leather crease as I walk around you."
I walk away from him, and then back to him.
"Keep your eyes low. Now kiss them. Don't get them wet. you may polish them with your tongue later. Be patient."
I lift up one leather boot, and push it towards My sub's face.
"Start at the toes, and kiss them. All the way up to the top. Then, kiss them all the way down. Kiss the heels."
"Keep your hands behind your back. I did not say you could touch them with your filthy fingers. Lift your hands again and I will tie your wrists behind your back."
I watch him as he shows love for My leather boots, occasionally instructing him, and reminding him of the standard of worship I expect from him.
"Stop! you are enjoying that a little too much. Get back into position, and wait for My boots to be offered to you again."
I wait for 20 seconds, which must feel longer to him, and he waits in silence with him head down low.
"Now lick them. Lick the heels. Make them shine. A vigorous tongue polishing is what I want. Lick the toes, buff them up, then work on My legs."
And up he goes, as I offer him one boot at a time to work on. Working them from the bottom up. I occasionally have to chastise him for missing a spot, or getting too keen and getting out of his proper position.
"Lick them underneath. He soles need to be cleaned. I cannot walk on dirty shoes."
I push the rubber soles of My boots, one at a time, into his face.
The soles are slowly cleaned up by My sub's tongue, and I spank him for his lack of speed and attention to detail.
" Do they look polished and buffed to you, slave? They don't look very well shined to Me."
"Get down into position, and watch them. Do not lift your eyes above My boots."
I walk around, parading My leather boots in front of him.
"I can see you want to lick them. you had the opportunity to prove your worth as My shoe shine sub, and you have failed Me. Now, turn around and brace yourself. you are about to feel the damage My boots can do."
I watch him shuffle around, so he is facing away from Me, his pastey, skinny buttocks up high, awaiting his precious kick.
"Think of this kicking as a gift, for which you will thank Me, slave."
I deal him a blow with the full force of My powerful legs.
"Thank You, Mistress." |
slaveboys guide to surviving chastity
i don’t yet have a lot of experience with BDSM activities and so i very much still consider myself a newbie. And i’m good with that. But the more i read on chastity forums and groups, i think i qualify for at least the rank of novice when it comes to chastity. The difference of course is the 24/7 nature of it. i believe my chastity training has crossed into a relatively advanced level and so i have learned some helpful tips for not just surviving it but enjoying it and getting the most benefit from it.
First and foremost, “the honor system” is bullshit. Not one single man with a functioning cock will obey the honor system. Sure, you’ll read all about on chastity forums. i’m here to tell you there is no such thing as it pertains to chastity. we will wank. Daily. If not more so.
my first session with Miss Mia Fallon was January 9 and it was pure magic. O/our next session was January 26 and that was the first day She locked me in chastity. First lock-up was 22 days and then because i had a business trip out of town, Mistress let me out of the cock cage for the next 10 days until O/our next session. And that’s when this got real…
From February 27 straight through until this moment, i have been continuously locked up with the exception of two 1-hour sessions with Mistress in which She kindly allowed me “release” before locking me back up and sending me on my way. That’s 10+ weeks, something that wouldn’t be possible (or sanitary) in a plastic chastity device but i’ll get to that a little later.
Here are some rules i try to live by:
#1 – Be grateful!
Many boys fantasize about chastity while they wank. Only a lucky few get to experience it. Be grateful for the privilege.
#2 – Never ask for “release”
Walk the walk. This is consensual. You signed up for giving Her control. Don’t be disrespectful and selfish by asking for Her to let you jerk off.
#3 – “Release” is not reward
This is important for a couple of reasons. First, if you go into this with the attitude of “i’m going to behave so Mistress will eventually let me jerk off”, you are approaching this from the mindset of a child (i.e. do your homework and then you can watch TV). Good boy, here’s a cookie. The second problem is that if you end up locked up for extended periods of time, you may begin to lose perspective on the nature of what a reward should be. And believe me, “30 seconds of glory” isn’t really where you want to hang your hat when it comes to reward. For me, spending extra time with Mistress is my reward. It really is a wonderful treat when She allows it.
#4 – Buy the right cock cage
i suppose the CB-xxxx or other cheap plastic devices can work as long as your key holder allows you to remove the device frequently for cleaning and grooming. If not, forget it. It isn’t possible to maintain good hygiene while locked in a plastic chastity device for any significant length of time. Beyond that, with so many parts, you are bound to get skin pinched on various places you’d rather it not happen and those thick plastic rings will chafe your skin substantially, even with lube.
You can buy a custom-fit, steel cock cage from MatureMetal for about the price of two CB-6000 devices and trust me it is worth it if you intend to take this seriously. Tell them exactly what you’re looking for and ask questions. They will help you with the sizing. And you really want to get it right the first time! Also, oval ring instead of round ring. Trust me, it is infinitely more comfortable when sitting.
#5 – Friction is not your friend
Lots and lots of lube. You literally want to apply lube to your entire ball sack, as much of your cock as you can access, and all areas of skin that will come in contact with the device. Before you put on your panties, remember your lube!
And equally important is don’t spend too much time fondling, rubbing, scratching, or otherwise monkeying around with your package. That all creates friction which in turn creates chafing which in turn burns which in turn creates some gnarly looking scabs and skin discoloration.
And most importantly, if you want to limit the burning sensation under your balls when you wake up at 4:00a with your “morning wood” (and you will), apply lube to the underside of your sack before you go to bed. Trust me on this one!
#6 – Spend extra time with hygiene and grooming
You’re a guy and therefore prone to stench by nature. It is difficult to wash your crotch when locked in any device. At least with the steel cock cages, you can access almost everywhere and move stuff around a little to wash what needs washing.
Also, shave your pubes. Easier to keep your junk clean, looks better, and you avoid most of the pinching with any moving parts of the cock cage you choose. The steel devices are only 2 pieces (plus the lock) but without manscaping you may find something getting plucked when you sit down or stand up.
#7 – You will get desperate and it will eventually passThere will be many, many times that you will desperately want out of the cage. Don’t whine to Mistress and certainly don’t take the chastity device off without permission. Instead, find something that you can use to re-channel those emotions. For me, i think of my Mistress saying “good boy” and i just play it over and over and over again in my head because for me, hearing Her say those words can take me to a very happy and peaceful place.
Your cock can swell in the cage and get semi-erect but if sized right, it is half of your normal erect length (or less). You can learn to appreciate that pressure and those semi-erections and in doing so it becomes somewhat cyclical. The longer you go in the cage, the more desperate you get, the more often you will be semi-erect in the cage. USE THAT to re-program your brain. Hearing Mistress saying “good boy” is my trigger. This is pleasing to Mistress, it is pleasing to me. This pressure, this ache is for Mistress. “Good boy” works for me. Something else may work for you.
#8 – 4am isn’t the end of the world
In your first week, you’ll wake up at 4am with a painful half-erection and likely struggle to get back to sleep. It sucks. Maybe try taking melatonin or Tylenol PM for those first few days. May or may not help you actually sleep past 4am.
But after that, you begin to adjust. Sure, there will still be days of excessive 4am ache but eventually you can work through it. For me, i actually enjoy it now. i still wake up every morning between 3:30am and 4:00am but when i do, it’s “good boy”, i smile, roll over, and fall back to sleep until 6:00am.
#9 – Let it make you better
If you go into chastity focused on denial, it is a negative. It is value-dilutive to your life. Harness this new surge of energy (and time) that you’ll have to improve yourself. Porn is useless to you in your current state, focus on learning something, whether kink-related or vanilla. You’ll be surprised what you can do when you no longer have the ability to wank and the subsequent slump of laziness, complacency, and self-indulgence that comes with it. And it can make you a better and more considerate person in the vanilla world as well.
Chastity is a gift, don’t squander it.
#10 – Embrace the suck
Make the cage a part of you. Last week in my session with Mistress, being out of the cage felt strange, like something was missing. When i got back in my car to leave and felt that familiar slide of the panties over my cock cage, that was normal for me now.
Also, if you focus on how much better you feel now that you’re used to being locked up instead of the misery of that first week, do you really want to go back through that? Please just keep me locked up, Mistress.
i have quite a bit of business travel coming up and i really am dreading that first week when She locks me back up. And just as important, i truly believe that i’m a better person in my current state. Now much of that comes from my training program as a whole with Mistress but i can tell you that being locked up makes me feel more focused, confident, and considerate as a leader at the office. i don’t want to sacrifice that by going backwards.
Ayway, i hope this helps some would-be chaste slaveboys. Personally, i have scoured the web and found a ton of fantasy-based material but not a lot of reality-based information on chastity. i can tell you that i’ve never been happier and i believe Mistress Mia Fallon makes me better everyday.
Posted by slaveboy
slaveboy's blog
25.05.2013 12:45 |
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